

Publication Status

Data Simultaneous title Submitting person
2024-04-19 [Revised]Decision on Acquisition of Shares or Investment Securities of Other Corporation MiCo BioMed Co., Ltd.
2024-03-28 Outcomes of Annual Meeting of Shareholders MiCo BioMed Co., Ltd.
2024-03-20 Submission of Audit Report MiCo BioMed Co., Ltd.
2024-03-13 Resolutions for Convocation of General Meeting of Shareholders MiCo BioMed Co., Ltd.
2024-02-16 30% or More Change in Sales or Profit/Loss(15% or more in the case of large-scale corporations) MiCo BioMed Co., Ltd.
2024-02-01 Decision on Acquisition of Shares or Investment Securities of Other Corporation MiCo BioMed Co., Ltd.
2023-12-20 Decision on Transfer of Shares or Investment Certificates of Other Corporations MiCo BioMed Co., Ltd.
2023-12-05 Additional Listing(무상증자) KOSDAQ STOCK MKT.
2023-11-23 Additional Listing(유상증자-주주배정 후 실권주 일반공모) KOSDAQ STOCK MKT.
2023-11-15 Ex-Rights(무상증자) KOSDAQ STOCK MKT.